The Troubadour Podcast

Why I Distrust "Studies" Used in Arguments and Articles

Kirk j Barbera

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If we've ever had a conversation, or if you've ever heard me have a conversation, you may notice that I will not accept as an argument a "study" you cited. I've even been made fun of for saying that I don't trust "stats." (Yes I'm using scare quotes on purpose).

The reason for this is simple. Stat and studies and research papers may be well done. Just as easily they may be inaccurate, false, misleading and untruthful. Creating a truthful and rigorous scientific study is complex and difficult. Darwin dedicated his entire life to not only proving his own theory but DISPROVING his own theory. He wanted to make sure he was correct. 

Throwing out a "study" that "proves" your case is inappropriate and destructive.

In this podcast (originally a video on my youtube channel) I dig into a particularly pernicious study done by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) about rape and sexual assault. Their study, the National Crime Victimization Survey is quoted and used as evidence for such claims that the vast majority (63% or more) of women do not report rapes and that only 2-10% of rape accusations are false.

Find out what this source actually says and how to be cautious of accepting magic words like "studies," "Stats," or even "science."

Here are the urls for all the websites that I refer to in this episode. It may be useful to go to my youtube page and watch the video. There I show the articles as well as talk about them.

Dr. Ben Bayer, The Sniff Test:

Washington post article:

NSVRC overview:

BJS Review:

The Cut Article:

NCVS Report 2015

NCRVS About page:

National Academies report